Contact Hotel Península Valdés

Contact Hotel Península Valdés

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Promotional code

What is a promotional code and what is it for?

With a discount code or promotional code, you will get other benefits in addition to the basic rate conditions.

How to use it?

If you already have a code, enter it in the Promotional Code field and start the reservation process. If the reservation meets the conditions of the code, it will be automatically applied to the reservation.

General conditions of use:

  • A promotional code can only be applied to the room and board portion of your reservation.
  • Any discounts associated with your promotional code cannot be applied to the complementary product portion of the reservation.
  • Only one promotional code can be applied to a reservation.
  • Hotel Península Valdés reserves the right to apply or not apply a promotional code.
  • Apart from the general conditions of use, each promotional code has specific conditions. These conditions can be viewed on the campaign or offer information page related to the code (for example, code expiration dates).

Contact form

To communicate with us or make inquiries about Hotel Península Valdés, please use our contact form. We are here to help you with any questions you may have about reservations, room availability, hotel services, or any other information you need to plan your stay.

How to get to Hotel Península Valdés?

Hotel Península Valdés, located at Julio A Roca 151, in Puerto Madryn, Chubut (Argentina) invites you to enjoy a unique experience in an exceptional natural environment. Surrounded by the crystal-clear waters of the Golfo Nuevo and Golfo San José, and with stunning panoramic views that capture the essence of Patagonia, our hotel is the ideal place to explore the rich marine and terrestrial biodiversity of the region.


  • Puerto Madryn El Tehuelche Airport: This regional airport is located approximately 10 kilometers from the hotel, which is equivalent to about 15 minutes by car.
  • Puerto Madryn Bus Terminal: The bus station is located about 3 kilometers from the hotel, with an estimated time of 5-10 minutes by car to get there.


Julio A Roca 151 CP 9120, Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina
How to get there?